Courses and


We offer modular courses on a spectrum of outplacement topics that are selectable as desired to meets the differing needs of widely varying target groups. The seminar materials and course content are tailored for the particular requirements of the respective course participants.

The overarching objective is to enhance participants’ placement prospects on a sustained basis, both internally and in the broader job market. Courses and workshops are designed primarily:

  • to enable learning about contemporary job search tools, techniques, methods and principles in course modules
  • to enhance participants’ ability to utilise and apply knowledge gained through guided workshops


Title Learning Objectives and Progress Monitoring
Career Pathing, Status Quo Assessment, Dealing With Change
  • Defining your starting point
  • Preparing a suitability and career profile using diagnostic testing
  • Defining career goals and evaluating possible alternatives
  • Achieving your goals in a methodical, step-by-step approach
  • Preparation of your personal self-analysis
  • Individual career planning as part of life planning
Application Documents
  • Application documents: a complete refresher on form and content
  • Preparing your personal application dossier, cover letters and qualifications profile
Strategic Job Searching
  • Overview of various job search strategies
  • Designing your personal marketing strategy: market positioning and marketing plan
  • Effective networking
Successful Interviewing
  • Video training and practice for confident interviewing
  • Practise answering a catalogue of frequent interview questions
  • Developing your personal presentation style and interviewing tactics
Sharing Success Stories and Experiences
  • Recent job application case studies
  • Recent solution finding case studies



In workshops, groups are formed led by a consultant to discuss course topics in greater detail to specifically map the route participants can take to arrive at the desired positioning and critically and constructively reflect on the approaches developed within the group.